In spite of our best efforts to stay afloat in an economy that is hurting, finances can go awry when we least expect it. When you need emergency cash but have a shaky credit history, applying for a vehicle title loan can save you time, stress, and even that deal-breaking credit check. Vehicle title loans are useful in a variety of situations, from providing some extra cash until your next payday to helping cover the costs of large financial emergencies like medical bills or home repairs. Title lenders use your vehicle – not your credit history – to finance your loan, and offer cash in exchange for the title to your car, motorcycle, or boat. While not all states allow title loans on all three of these vehicle types, many states at least allow car title loans. All lenders require is that you let them hold on to the title of your vehicle while you pay your loan off. After you finish, the title is returned to you. If you are considering taking out a title loan, it is important to have a vehicle title loan checklist of both what you will need to qualify for a vehicle title loan and how to apply for a title loan. Visit to learn more about how you could have the emergency finances you need by this time tomorrow.
How to Apply for a Vehicle Title Loan Checklist
- Go to
- Fill out the online form on the right or call and speak to a representative directly.
- Provide your most up-to-date contact information. This is important because lenders will contact you regarding quotes and payment plans.
- Provide the following information about the vehicle you will be using to take out the loan:
- Make
- Model
- Type
- Mileage
- Condition
- After gathering and submitting this information, you will be given a free quote reflecting the calculated value of your vehicle.
- Review your quote to make sure everything looks good. A loan official will follow up with you shortly after to discuss what type of loans you qualify for.
- Talk your rate and repayment plan over with the loan official. Loan officials are willing to work with you to help you find a solution that fits your unique circumstances, so you should feel comfortable with both your loan terms and repayment plan when you hang up the phone.
- After finalizing your terms and payment plan, pick up your cash from a physical location. In some areas, you can have your money mailed directly to your home!