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Setting up Pluggio for Twitter Checklist (The Basics)

Automating the Mundane Aspects of Twitter Using Pluggio Checklist

I’ve spent months trying various bits of software. I’ve used JustUnfollow, TweetAdder, HootSuite, ManageFlitter and on and on. I just wanted one system to make my twitter hell disappear! Thankfully, I found Pluggio. Pluggio is an online system that helps you manage both your tweets and FaceBook posts – although I don’t use it for FaceBook (yet). That aside, I currently manage 4 different twitter accounts using Pluggio and my admin time has been reduced from hours to minutes.

Pluggio can do quite a few things but this checklist, ‘Setting up Pluggio for Twitter Checklist (The Basics)’ covers the actions you need to take to quickly get it up and running. In fact, following this list won’t take more than a few minutes. And once it’s up and running, check out my ‘Twitter using Pluggio Checklist (The Basics)‘.

  • Add a Twitter Account
  • Go to settings and
  • Timezone: select appropriate timezone
  • Dripfeed: select when you want dripfeed tweets to go out (you line up a bunch of tweets and the get sent every hour or every few hours).
  • New Followers: (Optional) Write a response that will automatically go out to every new follower. For example, I use “Hi {FIRST_NAME}, thx for following. How can I best help you? Let me know and I’ll see what I can do! Smiles, Kim”
  • Go to friend finder help area and
    • Under Important Settings, make sure friend suggestions and unfollow suggestions are active. I set ‘suggest unfollow after 4 days of no follow back’
    • Enter ‘Search Agents’ – keywords that twitter users use in relation to your offering
  • Go to content stream area and create a folder for each and
    • Add RSS feeds that you might want to tweet about (including a feed from your site)
    • Add keywords for news search
    • Add keywords for blog search
    • Add twitter users that you retweet often
  • Go to Twitter Screen Help
    • Add any twitter lists you have set up
    • Add any twitter users you want to watch
    • Add any keywords that you want to keep and eye on

Like I mentioned in the beginning – this is a basic checklist for Pluggio. I could have created something that explained every feature, but I felt it becomes too daunting. If you do the above checklist, you’ll be up and running in minutes, and then follow my ”Twitter using Pluggio Checklist (The Basics)‘ to increase your following, make new friends and really see the value (rather than get bogged down) in Twitter.

The greatest thing about all this is that Pluggio has a FREE account facility! I used it for free for a few weeks and then upgraded so that I could manage more than one account. Check out Pluggio – it’s really a great bit of kit!

About Kim Brown

CheckListables Co-founder

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