Written by Amanda Radke in BEEF Daily and reproduced here. Get ready for the calving season by being all prepared beforehand with this Calving Checklist.
- Ear tags.
- Markers.
- Tagger (and a spare).
- Calving book for record-keeping.
- A list for when everything is due and what they are bred to.
- The veterinarian’s number on speed dial.
- Milk tuber.
- Pitcher to milk the cow with.
- Calf boost.
- Syringe.
- Scour pills.
- Bolus gun.
- Duct tape or ear muffs of some sort to pin ears down on cold nights.
- Sled with ropes to pull calves out of the snow and to the barn.
- Calf catch.
- Scale and sling for weighing the calf.
- Calf puller and chains.
- Lasso.
- Halter.
- Plastic gloves.
- Milk replacer.
- A sedative of sorts for the occasional surly cow that needs milking out.
- A list of potential culls based on poor udders, bad dispositions, tough calving, old age, etc.
- Sorting sticks.
- Square bales for bedding and feed when the pairs are in the barn.
- Coveralls, gloves, hats, boots, long johns, wool socks, etc.
- A hot box, heater or place in the basement bath tub for cold calves.
- Clean towels.